As always....most of my blog posts are inspired this way.Makes you wonder what I'm thinking of when I'm chatting with you on the phone , eh? Back to the point of course...I got thinking, are scientists a whole new breed? Are we a species so far removed from the world, that a brief description would read more like a survivors guide?
I continued to ponder earlier mentioned qaundry..hmmmm
Let us christen our universe 'Eppendorfia'....and peer into its mysterious workings...
Romance in our universe
Ahh candy fluff...none that is as saccharine as-
"Your gels are a marvel to behold"
"How steady be thy loading hand"
"How gently you lyse your cells"
"This chromatogram has such clear peaks...almost.." well never mind that one..!!!
Insults On Eppendorfia...
No saccharine without stupidity eh...
"You are as skewed as a nanodrop reading on tiny quantities of DNA"
" I would put your P-value at 0.01"
" You are about as enchanting to listen to as a sonicator"
"For one, even your bugs ( read E.coli) smell better than you"
And the ultimate put-down....Read do not pursue this one..
" I would rather read papers/write my thesis/submit an abstract than go out with you"
Songs that reverberate down in these depths...
Lysing me softly
One last prep
Enter Bossman
Bugs on Parade
Smells like pure spirit
And for the R&B in us
In da lab ( this one is really doing well!)
Broke forever ( Jay-Z nailed it here!)
When it comes to movies, we have the coolest lil theater in town...Inflickogen has been singing profit all month long
The Dark slide
Quantum of Sleep
High School Aerosol ( who doesn't like a good musical?)
What happens in P3..
In addition , there is this video that is really doing the rounds.A fellow 'dorfian you-tubed it for me , it explains wonderfully the process of protein synthesis,for I can't believe that anything should trouble you it here
There....that de-mystifies our race I believe...hah..and you thought we were hard to untangle? ( accompanied by derisive shake of head!hmph!)
PS...for my fellow Eppendorfians , news has it that Harry Potter is back from a conference and ready for a new semester,read all about it in 'Harry Potter and the disorder of the Plasmids'
Endlessly revisiting a bad idea
5 years ago
woman, you have done it yet again!
awesome... i have a proposal
you start a website a la xkcd.
all that funny should not be wasted!
thank you for the morning smile :D
awesome post shilpa! your sense of humour rocks!
This is really cool. Next to Douglas Adams.
Hilarious post, you've done it again. specially like the take on nirvana.
Cool and very funny... waiting for next one.. !! finding humor in science.. tough job and you made it.. !!
hahaha! this was very funny! i especially liked the music and film part! i know i felt like a diff species in the cidrz lab sometimes....i remember our dept would be like rattling off numbers of times and DBS we did....and no one else had any idea what we were talking about! hehe love you!
Thanks all!!! Feels great to be back...with another shot at the funnies!
@Aneesh...Ill take you up on that website!
@Adi..Haha thats high praise! inspiration is you~
Santosh..thanks sir!
K....I love you too!! And I totally know what you mean....sometimes I truly believe that we occupy a whole new parallel universe!
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