So back to a routine day at the office....Our wonderful tin roofed,thin -walled building appears to have been taken over by flies."Swat!"..."swish!"...our morning tunes seem to have been hijacked too.!
We have a resident expert here...he is here to advise on Business matters.But seeing the locust like invasion ,he has in fact taken matters into his own hands..and how.He has perfected the skill of killing flies with rolled up magazines.Quite a skill set this man can now boast of! We miss him however..he is away for a few days...hmmm...what will become of this Musca mayhem? "Wheee" annoying buzz near my ear..what is the point of their existence , I ask myself,while waving arms frantically in the air.I must appear to either have no control of said arms..or be trying desperately to master some exotic dance form.Either way, everyone who approaches the office , always gives me a wary look.Maybe they fear I will trip over and land on them, or perhaps enthrall them with prior mentioned exotic dance.Maybe thats scarier? of my other friends in office now has taken over the noble task of swatting these devilish winged beasts.Wild swish..and a miss!! Hmmm she still has a way to go!!
What are all these flies doing here ?? Is it the new paint? perhaps the cheerful yellow reminds them of a happy day!...Is it me...Good grief...
Endlessly revisiting a bad idea
5 years ago
Those flies are getting very annoying. Maybe we should get one of those electric tennis racket thingies...
aha....definitely show them no mercy...Zap the mangy creatures!! Swish...Miss!
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